Monday, 20 November 2017

Borrowing the Landsape

Autumn is good time of year to borrow the surrounding landscapes. The leaves have fallen from the tress and the views out of the garden in to neighboring spaces and well beyond are that much easier to appreciate.

The garden at the top is bordered by a small patch of woodland between us and the cemetery. It is a wildlife haven and the deer are always that much more in evidence at this time of the year. The fallen leaves, skeletal strucures and enticing disarray are an enthralling part of the seasonal calendar.

Across the valley the landscape is also becoming cloaked in the autumnal mists. It is hard to realize that this side of the valley was once spoil heaps and quarry waste. It is now well and truly reclaimed by the Pennines.

Seasonal Colour

Although it is now deep into autumn there is still plenty of colour to be found in the garden. The palette may be that much more restricted to reds, yellows browns but the odd glimpse of blue or white becomes all the more special.

There is still the odd flash of feline black and white too!

Relaxing at Dusk

The end of the gardening chores, at this time of year, comes much to early in the afternoon. It is now dark around 4 o'clock. The shorter quotient of sunlight hours means much less time outside. On wet and dismal days this might be a blessing but on nice autumnal days with clear skies and a tingling bitter cold freshness it is  rather sad. 

By compensation dusk can be a fabulous time for a cup of coffee on the upper bench. Watching the sun come down, wrapped up in several layers of gardening gear with a warm cuppa to cradle is really something quite special. Of course, it does get better. More often than not there are a certain couple of felines who like to join me for the last vestiges of the daylight.

Hecate is sitting on my knee and Mili is out of shot to my right.

I suspect the popularity of this time of the day might be a little more to do with pending supper time for the cats, as on an evening and overnight they are kept safely indoors. This has always been their routine and is not just a precaution because of fireworks and other nocturnal distractions.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Beautiful Autumn Light

This is the time of year after the clocks have gone back that the sunlight in the garden seems to take on a magical property. The grasses in particular are resplendent in the low sun of autumn. I am particularly fond of the pony tail grass (the white feathers top right of the photo), which has been planted in a lovely drift that takes on an ethereal quality in these atmospheric conditions.

Of course it is also the time when the grasses demand special attention, combing out the dead stems to tidy up and, if it has not been done already collecting the seeds to use next year. It is a misconception that the grasses will all self propagate and spread by themselves. I have found that most species require a helping hand.

Talking of which Mili seems to think that this uppermost part of our patch is where her guidance is most likely to be required. As usual she inhabits planet Mili!