This time of the year can be a little frustrating for gardeners and furballs alike. The incessantly damp weather certainly curtails activities outdoors. Of course, with half decent waterproofs and a pair of wellies we can still venture into the garden, but repeated walking or standing on the lawn or any borders is not really advisable. Compaction of the soil would undermine all the hard work spent forking and aerating the grass just a few weeks ago.
Still, when the opportunity arises a breath of fresh air is good for the soul. It is not possible to do too many jobs, in between the showers, but a nice hot cup of Bovril will warm the insides. Of course, if you are anything like me, you will have to fight the urge to start doing things. My advice, if it is not essential and the Met Office has given you only a small window of opportunity, just chill.I am very much reminded of a favourite saying of my Grandmother Dickinson,
"Idleness is nothing unless it is well carried out"
In the photograph Mili can be seen contemplating the world, I am sure it is also important for her (and her "sister") to get some outside time. Now they are both cats of a certain age it is noticeable how much less time they dare to venture outdoors. I am totally convinced that they like it best when the "gardener" is out there to keep an eye out for "bandits". They can feel so much more safe and secure when there is one of their humans about and in sight.
So my top tip: for the well being of both you and your cats, be sure to make time for some idle contemplation in the wintry outdoors. Take a nice warm brew and do it properly.
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