Monday, 19 June 2017

Form and Texture

We have been enjoying the summer weather this week. The other day while just having a light salad lunch on the patio I happened to notice a quite delightful sight. I suppose on many other occasions I have simply failed to spot the intriguing natural beauty of the reflected light playing on the pond-side foliage. The tumbling water was just catching the early afternoon sunlight to create an almost psychedelic strobe light effect on the leaves of the ferns. It is a reminder to not overlook or take for granted the little magical elemnts that are present in even the smallest of gardens.

The vegetation surrounding the lower pond has been planted for its form and texture. The fronds of the different ferns, the contrasting shapes of the creeping plants are intermingled in a naturalistic way. On the other bank the feather like astilbes and a few aquilegia all grow well in this shaded woodland like part of the garden.


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