Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Gardeners World Forum

My original intention had been to have a six part series on "Why I enjoy gardening"(the last part will follow soon). However, my recent experience on the GW forum has prompted me to insert another reason. If I can explain. Yesterday I posted a question about a possible statement grass for the site at the top of our Pennine garden. Until yesterday I had joined forum discussions but never initiated one. Consequently, I was so chuffed when I received a good selection of really useful replies. It was not a total surprise that so many people are glad to help, but it does reinforce your faith in human nature.

It then prompted me to think about the social benefits that I have enjoyed because of our garden. There is a myriad of plants that have been donated by friends and neighbours. Projects that have been initiated and completed only because I have had extra hands and expertise to call upon. The ideas and inspiration derived form visiting others peoples plots is immeasurable. Hence, another good reason why I enjoy gardening, the sociability. Indeed I will follow this up with a series of blog entries on the contribution of others to the garden.

I have included below the series of recent pictures posted on GW forum with the question, what kind of statement grass can cope with the relative shade on the top border of the garden?
The slate/ gravel is the site and the others show its situation. Clearly the feature grass must be visible from the lawn (pampas grass has been unsuccessfully tried before)


If anyone has any ideas, please leave a comment. Thanks.

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