Sunday, 3 March 2019

A Cat for all Seasons

Hecate in the grass bed
Mili by the dogwood

Following on from the previous blog entry it seemed appropriate to mention how the two cats have managed in the variable meteorological conditions that we have experience over the Pennines during the past few weeks. Mili and Hecate are of an age now when the big outdoors has somewhat less allure when the weather is inclement. However, it is without fail that my first foray into the garden on any particular day will be accompanied by two feline companions. Whether or not they make it up all the steps to the top of the garden on subsequent trips that the same day is a matter of feline capriciousness.

I am confident that they feel more secure when they have friendly or familiar humans in the vicinity. It rather belies the notion that cats are independent and aloof pets. According to the website of cat behavior consultant Pam Johnson-Bennett, cats aren't aloof; they're focused. If they don't respond immediately when you speak to them, it may just be that they are too engrossed in looking for potential prey, like the foot you're about to move underneath your blanket. Cats may show affection by sitting on you or next to you, rubbing against you, bumping their heads into you and licking you..... and in the case of Hecate and Mili when you can provide the outdoors back up to keep away the scarier of the neighborhood toms.

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