Over the past few weeks the wildlife activity seems to have become more noticeable. The reality is that the natural world has truly emerged from hibernation and the business of spring is well underway. It is not just the plants which have blossomed into life again but the pond is teaming with tadpoles, the cotoneaster alive with the buzz of pollinators, the trees are full of eager birds and the hedgerows and sheltered places simply bustle with all manner of animals large and small.
I have been lucky enough to catch a few on camera, admittedly not all with the most artistic of shots but it does remind us how lucky we are in this part of the country.
Wildlife does come with a cost to your plants and lawn but the price is a small one in the grand scheme of things. It means I will never have a "Chelsea garden" but they are not terribly realistic anyway, at least not for the average gardener. In fact, I would strongly advocate that we all make space for wildlife on our plots and cherish a little bit of an unkempt corner (perhaps it can be a little labour saving too!)
However, I do add a word of caution if you share your outdoor space with felines, please use some thought when putting out any bird food or feeders. It is perfectly feasible to achieve but common sense is required; as I mentioned in this previous post cats and wildlife are not incompatible.
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