Friday, 22 May 2020

Spring is Yellow

This week I noticed how many of the spring plants in the Pennine garden are yellow. I am not referring to the iconic daffodils which have now been and gone but to a selection of quite different plants, from trees, through shrubs and down to weeds.

The colour yellow represents, happiness, clarity and sunlight. It isn't surprising that yellow symbolizes these positive characteristics given the appearance of the yellow sun and its effects. In ancient cultures where a god or gods were associated with the sun, such as Egypt and China, yellow was the highest and noblest of colours and thus, the colour of religious figures and royals (who were thought to be descendants of the gods). All colours have a flipside, a degraded meaning that traditionally opposed the positive one. Along with warmth and happiness, then, yellow also represents cowardliness and deceit.

However, this does not deter me from choosing the laburnum tree as my plant of the month. It is a beautiful tree which will barely grow above 10 metres and with a narrow trunk fits perfectly into the space at the top of the garden. Its compact size make it an deal choice for many domestic gardens, top tip review your plot and see if you have a little space for one of these lovely little trees. The drooping vivid yellow flower racemes make it a sight to behold in the spring. Just one word of caution it is poisonous if any part of the tree is ingested.

The proximity of the flowers to the deep purple of the berberis thunbergii make a fabulous contrast of colour. 

Also in bloom at the moment is the broom. Similar in appearance to gorse but without the spines it is a very easy to grow shrub. It is at the back of one of the borders and looks at it best with a blue sky behind it.


Finally, a yellow splash of colour that inveigles itself into all the little nooks and crannies in the garden is the Welsh poppy (meconopsis cambrica). Most definitely not a favourite as this little weed tends to get everywhere but there is no denying that it does have a certain beauty.

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