Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Crystal Halo

Having had some trouble with the iris Germanica with its changing colour, I am chuffed that my new iris has produced some stunning blooms. Iris Ensata "crystal halo" is really a bog iris and as such should not really be growing on the sloping bed on the north side of the garden. I had intended to put it by the lower pond but in practice the space I had envisaged was just not quite big enough. So I have deviated from the adage "right plant right place" and put it here. However, to get it to grow successfully I did plant it in a good sized hole that was lined with an old compost sack to create an artificially ill drained spot in the border. It proves that with some ingenuity a lot more is possible than the text books might have us believe.

Top tip: never be afraid to try something different, a gardener will have many failures even if everything is done by the book so taking a chance with something less orthodox adds a little spice and intrigue.

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