Sunday, 11 April 2021

April Snow

When snow falls in the middle weeks of spring it can cause of few concerns. Accumulations on plants with new growth can be damaging, so this morning I was out brushing away the snow piles from the more delicate plants. Of course, I did have two helpers, both of whom needed a human to show how to negotiate a path through the cold wet white stuff.

Top tip: It’s always wise to remove heavy snow that accumulates on your plants before it freezes and breaks or deforms the branches. Gently lift branches upward (if need be with a broom) and shake the snow off, starting near the top of the plant. If snow has already frozen on the branches, or if there’s ice, it’s best to wait until temperatures rise above freezing.

Trees and shrubs with horizontal branching tend to be less susceptible to snow and ice damage. Most conifers, including juniper, yew, spruce, and pine, have relatively flexible branches and are well adapted to shedding snow before it becomes so heavy that it breaks branches. Multistem shrubs and trees, and those with narrow upright branching, can be seriously harmed when heavy accumulations pull branches apart. Some gardeners go further and tie the stems of such shrubs together which can reduce winter damage. But prevention is a better approach: prune properly, and maintain your plants so that they develop strong branching that resists winter injury.

However, not much can be done for some spring flowers, the daffodils have taken a bruising.

So while today there was a temptation to linger outside and enjoy the sunshine the indoor jobs were calling.

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