It is now past mid April and the daffodils are out; at least most are at the time of writing. It is a measure of how harsh the weather has been at the start of spring and the Pennine altitude that they are so late this year.
While St. David's day is at the start of March and is traditionally associated with the daffodil, it seems quite strange just how far behind we are in this part of the UK.
As you can see from the photograph the daffodils have been planted in the lawn at the front of the house. When they are finished the grass will be mown around the remaining leaves because the bulbs will benefit from the growth afforded by the leaves being left. Deadheading removes the seed pods and keeps the lawn a little bit tidier. However, they will not flower next year if the bulbs have been starved of the energy from their leaves. They must be left until the leaves start to turn yellow.
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