The rationale behind these musings are really quite simple, writing about the cats and the garden serves to keep me out of too much mischief. The fact the blog needs new entries serves to prompt me into outside activity. It also helps to drive me on to try and make a half decent job of it all. However, the direct reasons I write the blog are twofold
1. For Mum, who rarely gets the chance to visit in person but via the blog she can keep up to date with progress
2. For my records, so the changes can be documented and importantly to help me to organize a proper gardening calendar.
(when I review old pictures of how the garden used to look, it reminds me how nice it is to keep a record to refer back to; see the blog entries on evolution)
While it is tempting to say there are also more altruistic motives, that my blog entries might help other gardeners who face similar challenges, I am realistic enough to realize that barely anyone will find their way here. However, when they do it does give me a little fillip. I have been amazed that people from other countries have even read the blog on occasions, to date they include USA, Ireland, The Netherlands, Mexico, Poland and South Korea. As an ex geography teacher this global reach is rather exciting and I will not pretend that I don't really enjoy it when a new country appears on the audience statistics. Sadly, the number of comments is really very small. It would be nice to get a little feedback and perhaps suggestions as what other people are most interested in.
In 2015 the garden was clearly more enclosed |
Hi Phil, just wanted to let you know that we've featured your blog in our round-up of some of our favourite gardening blogs:
Many thanks,
Northern Polytunnels
Thanks Danielle, really glad you have enjoyed our blog. I will be sure to tell Mili and Hecate.